
EOD Level I

Course contents

Competencies acquired after successful completion of an EOD I course at EOD Academy (Annex to the Certificate)
After a successful completion of EOD1 course the holder of this Certificate possesses EOD qualification level 1 in accordance with IMAS 09. 30 and following capabilities:

  • Generic knowledge of Land Service Ammunition (LSA) and their relative fusing systems (thrown: hand grenades, riffle grenades; projected: mortars,
    projectiles, small ammunition, rockets; guided weapons; placed: AP and AT Landmines, dropped: bombs, cluster ammunition) and Safety
    Considerations associated with those types of ammunition,
  • Basic Life Savior/First Aid skills and ability to assist in evacuation procedures,
  • Basic knowledge about requirements for safe storage and transportation of explosives,
  • Competence in identification, use and maintenance of appropriate search/marking tools and equipment for humanitarian demining and battlearea clearance procedures, their capabilities, limitations and acceptable limits of deviation,
  • Understanding of the role of Quality Assurance,
  • Capacity to identify information requirements, appropriate sources of information, interpret relevant technical information and provide advice on EOD-related matters within their own area of expertise,
  • Ability in assisting in movement of ordnance,
  • Ability to assist in implementation of protective measures,
  • Competence in assisting in final disposal procedures and disposal of a single EO item in situ, under supervision.

On request

15 Days

2550,00 € plus VAT, including teaching material, document fee, and catering services (coffee break I, lunch, coffee break II).


Certification EOD Academy


The language of instruction is english.
Competences can be adapted as desired.
The training is carried out at the company location in Langenpreising (Bavaria).